1. Does electrolysis work on any kind of hair and color?
Yes, every kind of hair, from very fine to extremely coarse and all colors.
2. Is it true that plucking, tweezing, threading and waxing produces more hair?
Yes, only in hormonal areas. Hormonally stimulated areas include upper lip, chin, sides of cheeks, breast and abdominal area. When you yank the hair out of the follicle, the derma papilla is still there and that is the feeding source. The body will naturally try to heal the area and stimulate hair growth, it sends blood up to the area for healing purposes which in returns stimulates the hair growth.
3. If plucking or tweezing isn't permanent why are my eyebrow hairs not growing back after years of plucking?
Plucking is usually not permanent but there are exceptions. Over-tweezing a non-hormonal area over an extended period of time will cause the destruction of a follicle. If you spend years and years plucking the same hair...bye-bye eyebrows. It has a life span of it's own just like the scalp hair. Scalp hair can fall out and never return even if you never pluck one hair from your head.
4. Does shaving cause more hair growth?
No, absolutely not. After you shave, the hair it may seem thicker but it's not, you are cutting the hair shaft flush with your skin. The shorter new growth only feels thicker because it's straight. It will curve and relax as it grows out again. Shaving is not stimulating to the follicle so it will not change the hair.
5. How long does it take to finally clear an area?
There are several factors that will influence the time. Hair density, texture, the size of the area being treated, age, medication and level of current I will be using. If you follow the recommended guidelines I give you, the better results you will get from your treatments.
6. Does Electrolysis hurt?
There is a small sensation of heat that occurs during electrolysis, but it is minimal. I have a variety of ways to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.
7. Is electrolysis permanent?
Yes it is. Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent hair removal. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed temporarily. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal
and hair elimination.
8. How does electrolysis work?
A small electric current is transmitted by a fine, sterile probe directly into the opening of the hair follicle. This destroys the dermal papilla, the matrix, and an area called "the bulge", all of which can cause hair to grow and regenerate.
9. What is the difference between electrolysis and laser hair removal?
Electrolysis is the only medically approved method of permanent hair removal. The FDA only classifies laser hair removal as "permanent hair reduction". Laser hair removal works only on dark pigmented hair and works best on people with light skin. It is not recommended for people with dark brown skin color. Electrolysis works on all hair and skin colors.